
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hold on tight the Ride has begun with Jayne Rylon

Product Warnings

Fasten your seatbelts, this is going to be a wild (and naughty) ride! 

Nothing’s sexier than seven men with hot rods.

Hot Rods, Book 1

After Eli’s mother died, his father honored her life’s mission as a social worker by taking in several kids from the wrong side of the tracks. Not all of them stuck, but those who did became Eli’s quasi family.

Their bonds, forged in fires set by their personal demons, are unbreakable—or so Eli wants to believe. Especially since he and Alanso, his best friend and head mechanic, witnessed the overpowering allure of polyamory while visiting the Powertools crew.

Much as Eli would like to deepen the relationships among his foster brothers and sister in the Hot Rods Restoration Team, he’s hesitant to risk everything on a quick romp behind a stack of tires.

But when Eli catches Alanso exploring their mutual fantasy at a known hookup spot in a public park, all bets are off. And Eli must decide if it’s time to jump in full throttle—and trust his instincts to guide him through the night. If the pair can dodge the potholes in their own relationship, maybe they can race together toward the unconventional arrangement with Mustang Sally they both desire. 

Jayne Rylon is one of those authors that you just can't get enough of! The minute you finish one book you want,  no you crave MORE.

When we heard this book was coming out we all wanted to read it and so today you are getting two reviews for the price o one with more to come cause this is Jayne Rylon we are talking about two is just never enough :) 


There are two things you know you are getting when you open up a Jayne Rylon book smoking hotness and greatness. King Cobra is the first book in her new Hot Rods series, and it truly lives up to those two things in every level. This is a spinoff of the undeniably great Powertools series.  I can tell you right now I want these two guys for my own!!!!

Ever since experiencing how the Crew share the love between them Eli has been wrestling with his feelings for his best friend and the rest of his Hot Rods crew. He doesn’t want to sacrifice their amazing friendship for his dark desires, but his resistance may cause him to lose the one he wants the most any way.

Alanso is tired of waiting on Eli to stop hiding from what he really wants, and is really tired of hiding the fact that he is a bisexual. He is going to experience the things he wants with or without Eli. His adventure at a local hookup spot in a public park isn’t as private as he thought. Eli fights every bit of his jealousy, but allows Al to get that experience even though a part of him wants to rip them apart for touching what is his. Can he convince Eli that he truly wants the same things and a future with him and the Hot Rods?

LAWD these two had me wiping steam off my iPad!! When Eli finally gets his head out of his butt, and goes after what he wants they set the sheets on fire!! There is a great dynamic between all of the Hot Rods that I can’t wait to see how they unfold to making them a stronger unit that plays dirty together. As is typical of Jayne (who I think is a closet sadist) there is a bit of emotional elements that had me tearing up a bit. If you love the Powertools series like I do, then you need to snatch this book up. Because in my opinion it is true fabulousness!!! ;)

Casey Lu~


Wow! What can I say about Jayne Rylon's first book in her new Hot Rod series? Well, the answer is King Cobra was FANTASTIC!!! The story was filled with angst, passion and drama and the ride is not even close to being over yet; this is just the beginning. 

Eli aka Cobra wants his best friend and top mechanic, Alanso and is afraid to act on his desires because he wants all the other members of his Hot Rod team at the mechanic shop he owns as well. Problem is he does not want to jeopardize their relationship if things don't work out because they are family to him. They have a strong bond due to the pain each of them have endured in the past and does want to lose any of them. Eli is the alpha leader of the Hot Rods and he deems it as his job to protect them and their family since the day his dad brought them into the London's household. Eli is sexy, macho yet displays great vulnerability and tenderness when it comes to Alanso though he really needs to listen more when he has to and stick to his "guns" when he doesn't believe in something. 

Alanso has been Eli's best friend since the beginning but now wants to be with Eli as more than a friend; he wants them to be lovers. However, Eli is running scared which pushes Alanso away and into the arms of three strangers to explore his newfound sexual needs. Don't get me wrong, I want Eli and Alanso together but I really enjoyed this little detour. The sex scenes between Alanso and these three guys in a public park was HOT even without any penetration and I found myself wanting more of it, especially with Links. There was something about Links that just drew me to him; maybe it was his dominating voice LOL. I really liked Alanso who was not afraid to admit what he wanted and acted on it. He was like a kid discovering things for the first time.

I loved when Eli and Alanso FINALLY had sex. It was more than just sex, it was the two of them expressing their love for each other in the most basic way. Even then, they both showed their protectiveness of one another. My heart just melted each time *SIGH* They do need to have better communication with the Hot Rods especially with a certain someone they both love and want to be with. I could have done without that one "discovery/exploration" scene but I suppose it was needed for the drama effect and repercussion to prepare us for the next book.

Jayne did a wonderful job incorporating Cuban phrases and endearments throughout the story. It just added a little something "extra" and I swooned when they came. I loved that the Powertool Crew made appearances in this story and helped Eli and Alanso. I also adored and admired Tom, Eli's dad, so much. He's the kind of dad I'm sure all kids would love to have. Nothing shocked him as Eli had the "dreaded" talk about where his heart and desires lay and Tom only offered his understanding and encouragement with bits of humor as well. This book has everything I love in a great romance: likeable main and secondary characters, friendships, love, passion and angst. King Cobra has revved me up for the next story in this series and I cannot wait. If you loved the Powertool series then you are surely in for a treat with the Hot Rods series. 


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