
Monday, May 27, 2013

Dangerous Submission Lori Toland Blog Tour -Interview and Contest

I'm a lover of covers and Dangerous Submission is a beautiful cover. How much say do you have on your covers? Who is the artist.

The artist for Dangerous Submission is the very talented April Martinez. At Loose Id, we get a lot of say in our covers but I prefer to let the cover artist have complete control over the cover. All I ask is for them to give me hot, naked and very sexy men.

How did you come up with the title?

Well I already had a series title at that point, since Dangerous Submission is book two in the Dangerous Affairs series. So I took the first word from the series title and matched it with a word that described the book. It fit perfectly!

What books have most influenced your life? What are you currently reading?

I loved The Vampire Diaries. Damon Salvatore had to be one of the best villains I’ve ever read. I haven’t read the more recent books but I’m thinking I will soon. 

I’m currently reading Lord of the Forest by the absolutely fabulous Kay Berrisford. OMG. I just love her writing, it’s simply gorgeous!

Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

I never stop learning. Every book is a learning experience for me. Sometimes it takes a couple books for me to fully comprehend how to apply some of the knowledge my editor gives me but I get there eventually!

What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Definitely the end. I wanted there to be this happy transition into their life in England and show them together, but I couldn’t get it right. My editor helped me out by discussing some of my options, letting me bounce ideas back and forth until I had just what I wanted. The ending in there now was very much what I envisioned.

What are your current projects?

Of course, the next book in the Dangerous Affairs series. I swear there is a series arc and yes, Stefan (one of the minor characters from Dangerous Submission) is involved. 

Also I have a whole load of projects on my plate, including another series I can’t wait to start but I’m still world building on that one. 

Thanks for having me by!

Dangerous Submission
by Lori Toland


British Agent Drake Steele never thought when he was hired on at the Serious Organised Crime Agency that his job would involve spanking a co-worker. But when the colleague is Lord Robbie Covington, the sexy red-headed computer hacker for SOCA and MI-6, Drake can't agree fast enough to pop Robbie's cherry and pull him into the sensual world of BDSM.

Now they are caught up in a web of lies as they pose as members of the jet-setting crowd. Drake and Robbie have to race against the clock to stop a weapons haul that could threaten the safety of all Europe. As their covers begin to fade and danger is closing in, protecting Robbie is Drake’s most important task, but neither man is ready for the moment when their hearts are put on the line.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

CEO by day, erotic romance writer by night, Lori Toland lives in Orlando where the summers are hot but the romance between her characters is even hotter. Writing since the tender age of 13, Lori somehow finds time to play video games and watch movies while taking care of her beloved cats and a husband who will forever be her hero.

Link to purchase:

English Chaps (Sequel to The Long Con) Free Short Story from Loose Id -

Lori will be awarding a $50 Amazon, ARe, BN or Loose Id gift certificate (winner's choice) to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour, and a $25 Amazon, ARe, BN or Loose Id gift certificate (winner's choice) to a randomly drawn host. Make sure you follow the blog by email and GFC so you don't miss out on wonderful giveaways like this one!


  1. Can't wait for this installment!


  2. I love to hear of author recommendations from other authors. I'll have to check out Lord of the Forest by Kay Berrisford. I've not heard of it. Thanks for the tip, Lori!
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  3. Great interview, thank you.


  4. It's really a great cover, April Martinez made a great job on it!
    alifeamongbooks [at] gmail [dot] com

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hehehe, sorry about that.

    This book sounds good :)


  7. I have got to get this series, they both sound great :) Congrats on the new release!
    manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

  8. Great interview!! I love forward to reading more of your books.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  9. It seems like perfect fit for the cover & title.


  10. Don't you love it when your editor is great like that?!? They can really make or break a book!

    andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com

  11. The title of the book is attention getting :)

  12. Enjoyed reading the post for this book! I'm looking forward to reading it. Thank you for hosting during the tour.

    JessieL62 AT comcast DOT net
