
Thursday, July 18, 2013

A little conference fun from author Cristal Ryder

I'm at RWA National Conference in Atlanta!
Right now I'm being distracted like crazy from all the smutty talk going on around me. It's very distracting but I love it!The hubub is around getting smexy swag ready for the literacy signing tonight.
We have:
Dawn @drmgrl99Dawn

Some comments flying around:
  • Does this need ironing?
  • Where are the scissors?
  • I'm really bad with manual dexterity and better with my mouth.
  • My brain is empty, I don't retain anything 
  • I haven't had sex in a while
  • Bitch
  • Since I've been single *rhymes off a slew of names* .....
  • When are the book signings?
  • I'm calling my editor right now so no lewd comments for a while
  • I will literally bite my tongue
  • Make me hurt myself 
  • She got in my head
  • Fingering my flogger 
I could go on and on.

That's RWA13 for you - Cristal Ryder

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