
Friday, July 5, 2013

Lick ~ Stage Dive #1~ Kylie Scott

Stage Dive #1 ~ Kylie Scott


Waking up in Vegas was never meant to be like this.
Evelyn Thomas’s plans for celebrating her twenty-first birthday in Las Vegas were big. Huge. But she sure as hell never meant to wake up on the bathroom floor with a hangover to rival the black plague, a very attractive half-naked tattooed man, and a diamond on her finger large enough to scare King Kong. Now if she could just remember how it all happened.

Teaser ~

Fingers stroked over the top of my sex before moving on to my thigh muscles clenched tight together. If I wanted this to go any further I was going to need to open my legs. I knew this. Of course I did. Memories of the pain from last time made me hesitate. My toes were curled and a cramp was threatening to start up in my calf muscle from all of the tensing. Ridiculous. Tommy Byrnes had been a thoughtless prick. David wasn’t like that.

“We can go as slow as you want,” he said, reading me just fine. “Trust me, Ev.”

His warm hand smoothed over my thigh as his tongue travelled the length of my neck. It felt wonderful, but it wasn’t enough.

“I need …” I turned my face to him, searching for his mouth. He fit his lips to mine making everything right. Kissing David healed every ill. The knot of tension inside me turned into something sweet at the taste of him, the feel of his body against mine. One arm was trapped underneath me but the other I made full use of, touching all of him within reach. Kneading his shoulder and feeling the hard, smooth planes of his back.

When I sucked on his tongue he moaned in the back of his throat and my confidence soared. His hand slipped between my legs. Just the pressure of his palm had me seeing stars. I broke off the kiss, unable to breathe. He touched me gently at first, letting me get used to him. The things his fingers could do.

His gaze lingered on my breasts until finally he dipped his head, taking one into his mouth. My back bowed, pushing his finger further inside. The way his mouth drew on me erased any discomfort. He stroked me between my legs and the pleasure grew. I tingled in the best way possible. When I did this, it was nice. When David did it, it reached the heights of spectacular, stellar. I knew he was crazy good at guitar, but this had to be where his true talent lay. Honestly.

“God, David.” I arched against him when he moved to my other breast. Two fingers worked inside me, a little uncomfortable but nothing I couldn’t handle. Not so long as he kept his mouth on me, lavishing my breasts with attention. His thumb rubbed around a sweet spot and my eyes rolled back into my head. So close. The strength of what was building was staggering. Mind blowing. My body was going to be blown to dust, atoms, when this hit.
If he stopped I’d cry. Cry, and beg. And maybe kill.
Happily, he didn’t stop


About the Author:

Kylie is a long time fan of erotic love stories and B-grade horror films. She demands a happy ending and if blood and carnage occur along the way then all the better. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and one delightful husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet.

Author Links:

Be sure to like Kylie’s author page at 


Increase your chances and visit all the tour stops.  Be sure to like Kylie’s author page at .  Contest open until July 19th. Leave a comment telling me what you like most about New Adult Romance or Rockstar Romance books?

Tour Stops:

July 9th- 

July 10th- 


  1. I love the New Adult Romance books, because the characters are still young, but there's more passion. :)

  2. I like that new adult romance has improved, or seems to me it has improved, perceptions in society over the years. The topics are deeper, shedding more light on the real issues people face every day, instead of presenting a rose-colored fantasy.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  3. I like the new adult books because they are highlighting some important issues and seem to have more real issues than the YA genre. The NA format also allows for authors to explore all aspects of romantic relationships. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. I love Rockstar Romance books because the rockers are so hot thanks to the tattoos and piercing and they write and play beautiful music. I also like that there is more than meets the eye with them, they aren't just man whores, they have real problems and they are looking for love just like the rest of us.

  5. I've already read and loved 'Lick' but I'd like to leave a comment as someone whose age group is way beyond 'New Adult'!!

    I've only read a few New Adult and Rockstar romances, but I've been surprised how much I've enjoyed and really really liked the stories. I think there's a gritty realism to them, while still holding true to the romance genre (albeit pushing the boundaries there, too!!).

    I think another reason I've enjoyed the NA/Rockstar (and NA/Biker) stories is that they call to my inner rock chick/bad girl. It was very inner!! I was late teen/New Adult back in the 1970s and the closest I got to being a rock chick/bad girl was that I had very long, straight hair and sang in the shower!!

  6. I am a total sucker for rock star romances. I really want to buy this book just by reading the excerpt.

  7. I love rock star romances because they're really fun and exciting--at least the good ones are. Plus, meeting/dating/falling madly in love with a rock star (and he or she in love with you, too--that's an important distinction here :) is the ultimate fantasy! Who doesn't love to read about stuff from their wildest dreams and imagine themselves in the h's place?
