
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Cowgirl up with Emma Lang

Interview with Elizabeth Graham from Vaughn, book four in The Circle Eight series by Emma Lang.

Circle Eight: Vaughn

Series: Circle Eight , Book 4
By: Emma Lang
Published By: Beth Williamson
Published: Aug 13, 2013 

A con man. A rancher’s daughter. A wildfire out of control.

Elizabeth Graham spends her days running the business side of the Circle Eight ranch. Her knack for numbers and organization lent themselves to her position in the family. She has just turned twenty-one and doubts she will find a man to spend her life with. Elizabeth doesn’t believe in love, after all, and when she meets a charlatan named Vaughn Montgomery, her opinion doesn’t waver. At first.

Vaughn Montgomery is down to the lint in his pocket and the handsome smile he uses as a weapon. His last con went wrong and he fled west. Now he finds himself trapped in the middle of nowhere Texas. And at the mercy of a hard-nosed woman who wears shapeless dresses and whose tongue can cut blocks of wood.

Unwilling to bend and unable to forgive, Elizabeth and Vaughn get caught up in a web of lies that stretches from Houston to the heart of Texas. She finds herself falling for the man who can’t seem to tell the truth and he can’t get enough of a woman who can only speak truths. Surrounded by danger, they embark on the ultimate con to save the Circle Eight and their lives.

Now let's talk about to Elizabeth about Vaughn:

1. What was the first thing you thought when you laid eyes on Vaughn?

He was the first naked man I'd seen. I saw all of him, from stem to stern. And he was, um, big, if you know what I mean. Honestly, he was also an inconvenience. There was no on there to help me move his large body - he caused me endless amounts of trouble. Little did I know how much more was coming.

2. What is the most annoying thing that Vaughn does to irritate you?

His inability to be truthful. I realize the man is a swindler by nature but I cannot abide a man who couldn't be honest. At the same time, I fell in love with him, not his honesty or dishonesty. I was torn between loving him and not liking who he was. A conundrum of the heart.

3. When was the biggest turning point in your relationship?

When I decided to be intimate with him. You see, it was my choice to do so - not that my brothers would agree. As a spinster, without marriage prospects, the future looked rather lonely. Vaughn was charming and handsome - everything I wasn't. He stirred me, deep inside, awoke a part of me I never knew existed. The first time I touched his skin, I knew things had changed forever.

4. Do you feel Vaughn's "bad boy" vibe is what you were originally attracted to? If not what was it?

Probably because he needed to be fixed - and I like to fix things. Numbers are my passion - they make sense. He was nothing but chaos. He needed to be fixed. There was also the element of danger in being with him, the unknown dangers that lurked in the shadows of his past.

5. If you had to describe your relationship in five words what would it be?

Explosive. Tumultuous. Intense. Passionate. Eternal.

About Emma Lang/Beth Wiliamson:

Beth Williamson, who also writes as Emma Lang, is an award-winning, bestselling author of both historical and contemporary romances. Her books range from sensual to scorching hot. She is a Career Achievement Award Nominee in Erotic Romance by Romantic Times Magazine, in both 2009 and 2010.

Beth has always been a dreamer, never able to escape her imagination. It led her to the craft of writing romance novels. She’s passionate about purple, books, and her family. She has a weakness for shoes and purses, as well as bookstores. Her path in life has taken several right turns, but she’s been with the man of her dreams for more than 20 years.

Beth works full-time and writes romance novels evening, weekends, early mornings and whenever there is a break in the madness. She is compassionate, funny, a bit reserved at times, tenacious and a little quirky. Her cowboys and western romances speak of a bygone era, bringing her readers to an age where men were honest, hard and packing heat. For a change of pace, she also dives into some smokin’ hot contemporaries, bringing you heat, romance and snappy dialogue.

Life might be chaotic, as life usually is, but Beth always keeps a smile on her face, a song in her heart, and a cowboy on her mind. ;)


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