
Monday, August 26, 2013

Picking Up the Pieces ~ Review by CaseyLu

Another Amazing debut author you have to read!

Jessica Prince
Picking Up The Pieces

After having her heart broken by the only man she’s ever loved everything seemed to go downhill for Emerson Grace. It has taken eight years but Emmy is finally starting to pick up the pieces of her damaged life. But the man who destroyed it has returned bringing with him the pain of the past. Can she let go of the pain Luke caused and accept him back into her life or will the memories be too much for her to overcome?

Running from Emmy was the only way Lucas Allen knew he could protect her from the demons he carried with him. After spending one perfect night together Luke takes off, certain that he can’t possibly give Emmy everything she deserves. Now he’s made the decision to return to Cloverleaf and make things right. But is he prepared to truly face all of the damaged he has caused?

Will Luke and Emmy finally get their chance at love or will the secrets of the past stop them before they even get to begin?

BUY IT HERE: Amazon 


Picking Up the Pieces is the debut novel by Jessica Prince, and I have to say she knocked it out the park with her first time.  This book is an emotionally charged bit of greatness. The great secondary characters show promise of a great series to come.

The last eight years haven’t been too easy on Emmy. Since the day Luke left her life and crushed her heart into millions of pieces it has been a rocky climb to put her life back together. Now he is back in town, and she wants nothing to do with him. But someone needs to tell that to her traitor of a body and heart!!

Luke knows he made the biggest mistake of his life when he left. He thought it would be easier on Emmy if she hated him, but he didn’t have any idea of the consequences that his selfish acts caused. He now has his work cut out for him if he has any hope of convincing her to give him a second chance. He doesn’t just have to make up the past to Emmy. He cut off contact with all of the people in his life, and his former best friends will make him work for a chance to be in their lives and Emmy’s. Can he make up for being a dumb 18 year old??

I can’t wait to see what else Jessica comes up with. If this book is any idea of her potential, then she will be an auto buy for me. This book made me laugh, cry, and my heart stop at moments. I love being so involved with the characters that you feel everything they are. The dialogs are written in a way that I felt these characters could have been peeps in my life. I love that she didn’t feel the need to add hundred dollar words when a five dollar word works just as great. I really hope y’all love this one as much as I did!!! :)

Reviewed by ~ Casey Lu

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review - I haven't heard of this book before so I'll be adding this to my list
